Friday, April 16, 2010

For All You Gamers Out There...

So after all this, you’re probably wondering what does Microsoft do better? Well one thing Microsoft has that Apple has not yet been able to provide is the power to game. Microsoft has always been one of the leaders in the video gaming industry. Not only our Microsoft’s computers more suited for gaming, but they also have produced their own video game console, the Xbox and the Xbox 360. Microsoft makes and designs their own video games and owns the rights to several other games as well. Apple has not yet been successful in this field.

In 1995, Apple released a video game console called the Pippin in Japan. However, it was very unsuccessful. The only cool thing about it was it was the first gaming device that was able to access the internet via the consumers TV. “There are some features on the Pippin I think are good, like the fact it actually does enable consumer Web access via a television”(The Mac Geek). But that kind of technology at the time was way to young, also proving Apple unsuccessful in the gaming world. There are rumors floating around that Apple is trying again at creating a game system. Since Apple’s technology is currently argued as the greatest in the computer world, rumors say that it will finally be able to do just as good in the gaming world, but only time will tell.

The Mac Geek, . "The World According to The Mac Geek." Mac Geek. Pearl City Networks, 07Dec. 2002. Web. 28 April 2010. .

Apple iPhone OS 4 Event

On April 8, 2010 Apple CEO Steve Jobs gave a sneak peek into the future of the Apple world, and how their technology still continues to get better. Mr. Jobs started out the speech by thanking the consumer for allowing the company to make it as far as it has. As he continued, he took note on the prestigious and innovated awards the company has won 3 years in a row from JD Power. One reviewer went on to say in the video, “Apple is rewriting the rulebook for mainstream computing” (Ed Baig, USA Today).
Now how does this get into the Mac Vs. PC debate? Well the purpose of this video was to give Steve Jobs the opportunity to announce the newest changes in the Apple world. Apple has just released and redefined their best selling laptop, the Macbook Pro, making it one of the fastest laptops in the world, and giving it an outstanding battery life of over 10 hours. Jobs also introduced the first touch screen, keyboardless computer on the market, the IPad. Also, starting this summer the newest IPhone and IPod Touch software will be released. This software will include multi-tasking, faster processing and other things that cannot be find the in PC world. Basically, it’s a big year for Apple. After watching this interview, in my opinion, it seems that Apple is currently way on top and its going to take a lot for PC manufacturing companies and Microsoft to catch up.

"Apple IPhone OS 4 Event." Web. 15 Apr. 2010.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Ipod vs. Zune

The battle between Mac and PC is not just fought on the Computer side of things. Both brands (Apple and Microsoft) battle in the world of MP3s as well. Apple has the Ipod and the Ipod Touch, the Mac of MP3 players; and Microsoft has the Zune and the Zune HD, the PC version of the MP3 world. With both pieces of technology they both offer downloading sites that directly integrate with their MP3 products. But which is better?

Apple first introduced the Ipod in 2001 with its first generation, black and grey screen version of the device. Microsoft, 5 years later brought the Zune into the market. By 2006 the Apple Ipod was playing movies and could handle around 30-60gbs of memory. The Microsoft Zune did pretty much the same thing, but was a lot bulkier and didn’t have the convenience of the patented Ipod “wheel”, the easy way to navigate on the device. Skipping over to present day, things between the 2 devices have remained the same. The Apple Ipod has advanced much farther than the Zune. "More than 75,000 easily downloadable apps can transform Apple's player into a full-fledged mini-computer. The Zune Marketplace, on the other hand, only offers a handful of add-on programs" (Gideon). Although it finally has a web browser it still does not meet up with same standards Mac and Ipod users are used to. These products also tie in with the Mac vs PC argument in another way: integration. The Iphone/Ipod has the ability to integrate, update, sync and be controlled by an owner if they have a Mac computer through a program called MobileMe. The PC does not offer this with their Zune device.

I know this not only through research, but as a past and present user of both products. I started out using the 1st generation Zune with PC and recently switched to the Ipod/Mac combo and have never been happier.

Gideon, Tim, and Sheehon Donnell. "Touch-Screen Smackdown: iPod touch vs. Zune HD." PCMAG.COM. ZIFF DAVIS MEDIA, 18 Sept 2009. Web. 08 Apr 2010. .

Mac VS PC Song

This video is a funny way of showing the advantages of Mac and PCs. They are presenting it in a fun and entertaining way, but the things they talk about are actually very accurate. Some of the advantages of a Mac are they are more user friendly, and they have a better display, therefore, making it just overall look better and giving the Mac the sterotype of a "pretty boy" as shown in the video. The main internet browser of Mac, Safari, is faster than Internet Explorer of the PC. And, not only does the internet browser run faster, the whole computer starts up faster. Some of the advantages of a PC are that it is compatible with other downloadable software more than a Mac is and it doesn't need any specific or special software downloads because most everything (except Apple products) com standards of work on a PC. The most significant advantages of a PC is that they are more business friendly and they are significantly cheaper than Macs.

I really liked this video. I think it informs you about Apple and Microsoft in an entertaining way, instead of being taught about it. Even though it doesn't tell you everything you need to know about Macs and PCs, it covers the gist of everything you need to know.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

It's Like... Pepsi VS Coke!

When comparing Macs and PCs, Glenn Derene says the rivalry between Macs and PCs can be compared to the rivalry between Coke and Pepsi soft drinks. Like the Coke and Pepsi products, much of the competition is based on the personal opinions of the consumers. Both Macs and PCs have their stereotypes, and both have their differences; however, the both strive to reach the same goal. Due to that goal, it makes both products very similar, but appear different. They both come with their own web browser, Apple's being Safari, Window's being Internet Explorer. Both come with a specific way to upload and edit pictures, photos, movies, and word templates. And although they may approach these applications differently using different commands, buttons and whistles, in the end they all pretty much accomplish the same thing.

The choice between the two competitors normally just comes down to personal preference. Derene says, "These things are largely matters of preference and style, but you can still make a reasonable attempt to quantify them..."(1). Yes PC may advertise to a more business orientated customer, and Apple advertises at a more youthful approach, but these are just stereotypes. In actuality, with the Mac's simplicity it tends to be more appealing to the average business person. And with PC's experience it tends to attract more of the younger gamers. This actually disproves the common stereotype, leaving it up to the customer as an individual to decide which one they like better.

Derene, Glenn. "Mac vs. PC: The Ultimate Lab Test for New Desktops & Laptops." Popular Mechanics . Hearst Communications, May 2008. Web. 1 Apr 2010. .