Thursday, April 8, 2010

Mac VS PC Song

This video is a funny way of showing the advantages of Mac and PCs. They are presenting it in a fun and entertaining way, but the things they talk about are actually very accurate. Some of the advantages of a Mac are they are more user friendly, and they have a better display, therefore, making it just overall look better and giving the Mac the sterotype of a "pretty boy" as shown in the video. The main internet browser of Mac, Safari, is faster than Internet Explorer of the PC. And, not only does the internet browser run faster, the whole computer starts up faster. Some of the advantages of a PC are that it is compatible with other downloadable software more than a Mac is and it doesn't need any specific or special software downloads because most everything (except Apple products) com standards of work on a PC. The most significant advantages of a PC is that they are more business friendly and they are significantly cheaper than Macs.

I really liked this video. I think it informs you about Apple and Microsoft in an entertaining way, instead of being taught about it. Even though it doesn't tell you everything you need to know about Macs and PCs, it covers the gist of everything you need to know.

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