Two weeks ago, I sat in on one of the many instructional sessions Apple offers for people switching from a PC to a Mac. The purpose of these sessions is to make the switch for new customers easier so the new Mac user can spend more time enjoying their new computer, and less struggling to learn the basics. There are many ways you can take this class. It is offered online, and in the store. We first went over the basics, learning how to start up the computer and how much easier it is. We learned quick commands, because Apple has a Command key on their keyboard that PCs do not offer. We also learned how to navigate on the mouse pad, which is constructed much differently than the PC mouse pad. Since it was only the first session it was pretty basic. Apple does offer more advanced sessions that can also be accessed on the internet that goes over more advanced application, and how to use Microsoft products such as Word and Powerpoint on a Mac.
Doing this session was nice. Although it was basic and I knew most of what was taught I still found it cool that Apple provided this class for new users. Macs are easier to use, but since most people start off using PCs the switch can be difficult at first. Apple understands this and that is why I think most people that are considering making the switch should try out a session or two. The overall purpose of the class is to “show you how a Mac is designed to give you the best computer experience possible” and I believe it worked.
64/80 Good job.